Help us give cleanliness and dignity to the children and teens we serve by shopping our Amazon Wishlist.
We are committed to giving only new socks to the children we serve. Help us "foot the bill" by shopping our Amazon Wishlist.
We operate on primarily gently-used clothing donations, but often, what we receive is not enough to meet the need.
Help us fill gaps in our inventory and fulfill our promise to clothe children in need by purchasing items from our Amazon Wishlist!
Become a corporate sponsor and increase your company's marketing while helping children who need you the most! We would love to have your company's name in our distribution bags, on our website, at our events, or on our company vans!
Link your Kroger Shopper's Card to our organization using your digital account. Kroger will donate to Give Like a Mother based on the shopping you do every day at no cost to you! Click below to sign up. | Office: (513) 732-0130 | Mobile: (513) 400-3208
4601 Eastgate boulevard suite 824, cincinnati oh 45245
Open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Copyright © 2023 Give Like a Mother - All Rights Reserved