We provided 5,540 made-to-order clothing packs to local children and teens in 2024.
In 2024, we distributed a total of 131,243 articles of clothing, coats, and shoes to local children and teens.
Our volunteers donated a total of 9,936 hours of their time to Give Like a Mother in 2024.
We donated over 50,000 pounds of clothing to local partners, saving these items from landfills!
We provided 3,270 made-to-order clothing packs to local children and teens in 2023.
In 2023, we distributed a total of 76,173 articles of clothing, coats, and shoes to local children and teens.
Our volunteers donated a total of 8,474 hours of their time to Give Like a Mother in 2023.
We donated over 30,000 pounds of clothing to local partners, saving these items from landfills!
We provided 2,258 made-to-order clothing packs to local children and teens in 2022.
In 2022, we distributed a total of 58,430 articles of clothing, coats and shoes to local children and teens.
Our volunteers donated a total of 4,142 hours of their time to Give Like a Mother in 2022.
We donated over 29,000 pounds of clothing to local partners, saving these items from landfills!
“My kids faces light up twice a year when they see the bags full of clothes. They love doing fashion shows trying on all their new outfits! It gives them so much confidence to face school and peers knowing they are dressed in clothes that fit. Thank you so much for all you do!”
“Thank you to the awesome community of people who made GLAM a possibility!! Without GLAM I’d have to choose between nice clothes that fit my kids and groceries. This world is so expensive nowadays it is seriously a godsend that you all make this possible.”
“Since COVID, our family has been down to 1 income. Money has been super tight and being a mother of 4, I stress myself out daily how we will survive. Because of GLAM, we are able to have breathing room knowing our kids have new coats and some winter clothes. We are so thankful for everything GLAM has done for us.”
“As a single mom GLAM has given me a way to clothe 3 kids in appropriate attire. The outfits are always so unique to fit each child. The convenience of pickup is truly appreciated. Thank you for all that you do!”
"We have 3 little ones and trying to make ends meet has been a struggle in itself. GLAM helped when I didn’t know what else to do. They helped provide new clothing and because of their generosity, we were able to spend some money elsewhere where we needed to.”
“I got custody of my niece two years ago when my sister unexpectedly passed away in car crash. When Give Like a Mother offered to help it was a absolute blessing. She was so extremely happy and grateful she actually cried after we left there.”
“When I opened up our bags it brought tears to my eyes because everything was so nice and fit to each of my children’s style. They even organized them in outfits for them. Thank you GLAM!”
"GLAM is great and very much appreciated by us, they helped me with clothes for my grandkids in a time of need. My grandson absolutely loved the clothes (spiderman and batman). My granddaughter was too little to know what was going on but this grandma loved all the stuff we got. Thank you GLAM!"
“My kids thoroughly enjoyed the clothes GLAM gave them. Every item was their size and style, plus cool shoes!!! They felt so excited to wear them to school and we really needed the clothes. Especially the leggings for my daughter that were name brand was something amazing!"
contact@givelikeamother.org | Office: (513) 732-0130 | Mobile: (513) 400-3208
4601 Eastgate boulevard suite 824, cincinnati oh 45245
Open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Copyright © 2023 Give Like a Mother - All Rights Reserved